The Yacht Girls Book Club Brunch 4/8/18

The Yacht Girls Book Club Brunch 4/8/18 at Malibu wines in Malibu California. 

This event was simply amazing, The venue was amazing, The women in attendance was amazing. The yacht girls book club brunch definitely something you should keep your eyes on and make it out to the next brunch!! Aloni Ford did a great job hosting and putting on this event. There were so many women in attendance like Chrystee Pharris, Caryn Wardross, and actress Jill Marie from girls friends just to name a few. 

Caryn Wardross

 Kisha Waters Dress by
As an entrepreneur networking is key and this is the types of events you must go to to get to know other entrepreneurs that are thriving in their field. Make sure you follow @yachtgirlsbookclub on Instagram.

Aloni Ford and friends

Blog by Kisha Waters of KWatersGGI Lifestyle


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