I got may hair cut and I couldnt be happier. This is a before picture  of my hair. If you’re contemplating getting your hair cut The first step is making a firm decision to get it cut, then finding the proper person to cut your hair. The 1st thing I did after making my decision to move forward with the cut was to find a beautician in the Los Angeles area that has a passion, love, and skill to cutting hair. Someone who pretty much cut hair all day and work with all textures and is comfortable cutting hair. I personally decided to go with beautician Jasmine Ashely her shop is located off Wilshire Boulevard here in Los Angeles. The reason I decided to go with her was after looking at her work, she pretty much specializes in cutting hair and I absolutely love her work. I can’t wait to go back to her and I may go shorter.

Im so excited after two years of contemplating I finally did it!!!
 #TheCutLife thanks you @livjazzashley for hooking me up I love my new look!!

Blog by Kisha Waters #KWatersGGI Lifestyle


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